Making the Essential Enjoyable & Easy


How To Get Fit, Eat Right & Change Body Composition With Greater Ease

Discover 18 simple principles that remove resistance to daily exercise, to eating less and better, and to changing body composition.

The course is delivered as a daily email for 21 days. Each message is a 2-minute read with a single suggested action.

BONUSES DELIVERED DAY 21: eBook summary of whole course and “3 Magic Keys to Changing Body Composition" special report.

Delmar Davis

Wellness Coach, Life Coach, Founder of End the Fight

Find ease with fitness, healthy eating, optimizing body composition, and life change.

Successful But Stuck

If you are like my clients, you are successful and satisfied in most areas of life...

But nonetheless find yourself stuck.

You know regular exercise and eating right are essential for longevity and legacy—and for enjoying the fruits of a meaningful life NOW.

You know what the research says.

And some things have worked for you in the past.

But you are still not doing what you want to be doing for your health and wellness.

So being stuck is confounding, frustrating, and as health deteriorates, alarming.

I know this because I've been there.

I've been disabled by an autoimmune disorder. I've had my doctor tell me all my metabolic numbers were “headed in the wrong direction.” I've exhausted myself through overworking unfulfilling jobs. I've lacked the energy for the most important things and people in my life.

And I tried all manner of fitness and diet programs, which worked for a while—right up until they didn't.

But through years of study and testing, I discovered how to find ease with foundational practices that optimize health.

I discovered how to end my fight to be well.

Getting Unstuck

So why DON'T you do the good things you KNOW you should be doing for your health?

The answer is not lack of willpower, self-discipline, or accountability…

Or any other form of character judgment or disparagement.

Research has completely debunked those notions, although they unfortunately persist, especially in fitness culture.

The truth is, you have obstacles.

You have conflicting important priorities that create scheduling challenges that seem insurmountable.

You also have internal obstacles…

You have limiting beliefs about yourself, others, and the world that get in your way.

And you have perspectives about fitness and diet that make healthy choices harder and no damned fun at all.

These obstacles stop MOST people.

No amount of magical thinking overcomes them.

And off-the-shelf fitness and diet plans simply don't address them.

Without identifying and addressing the real-world internal and external obstacles, no plan or program will stick.

That's the bad news.

But when the obstacles are remedied, a path forward emerges that sustains itself…

And essential health practices becomes easy and enjoyable, ending the fight with yourself.

And you recover the vitality to be, do, have, and enjoy everything that is most important and precious to you.

How End the Fight Works

I discovered this approach by studying Perpetual Exercisers.

Perpetual Exercisers are people who exercise most every day without requiring willpower, self-discipline, or accountability to do so.

It turns out they are not different on the surface from those who struggle to get started and to stick with fitness.

They don't have different scheduling demands. Or a different kind of job. Or different family responsibilities. Or a different base level of health. Or a different number of hours available in a day. They are not more athletically inclined. And they are at all ages and stages of life.

I found that they simply think about, relate to, and experience exercise differently from those who struggle.

And I discovered how to reverse engineer this perspective so that it can be consciously learned and adopted.

I call this process the End the Fight approach.

I also found that this unique approach generalizes to eating right and changing body composition…

And to ANYTHING important we want to change or accomplish in life transition or transformation.

I would like to share that process with you..

So you may find ease and enjoyment in the essential activities of health, wellness, and life change.


The End the Fight experience is available in a variety of formats, including live online group coaching, online self-study courses, and one-to-one coaching.




We've all tried to shoehorn exercise into our complicated lives, or to "pile it on."

But that doesn't work long-term. Neither do productivity or motivation strategies or self-judgment.

The REAL problem is that most of what we've been told about exercise planning is wrong.

The tired old conventional model of assessment, standard exercises, habit building, and accountability just doesn't work for most people.

Find out what does…

$147 - NOW ONLY $19


Discover the best evidence-based movement and eating tools for cutting body fat while maintaining muscle.

Identify which are easiest and work best for your lifestyle and assemble them into an adaptable, sustainable, life-long plan.

Cut Camp is delivered as a live online course. Registration opportunities are announced via email. Sign up below to get email notifications.


Clarify your deep purpose, change your perspective, discover your process, and become a Perpetual Exerciser.

Set aside reliance upon willpower, self-discipline, or accountability.

Find ease, effortlessness, and perpetual motivation for getting fit.

The Perpetual Plan self-study course is included.


Change how you think about, relate to, and experience food and eating.

Discover how to remove the obstacles to eating differently to optimize health and body composition.

Put aside “diets” and deprivations. Eat less and eat better without picking a fight with yourself.


For Getting Exercise Without Self- Discipline, Willpower, or Accountability

I distilled these principles from studying how Perpetual Exercisers think about, relate to, and experience fitness differently from those who struggle.

This mini-course is included with the End the Fight to Get Fit course.


I guide you through the content of any End the Fight course in six one-to-one 30-min online coaching sessions.

Collaborate with me on a personalized plan for getting fit, eating right, or changing body composition. Identify what’s been getting you stuck and remove the obstacles for good.



I have found that in six 1-hour sessions we can identify and remove a single major obstacle from your path to greater wellness, fulfillment, prosperity, and freedom.

This package offers the opportunity to sample the transformative power of Life Coaching.


When we pick a fight with ourselves, one of us loses.

And all of us becomes stuck.

But we can get clear about what is essential for our health, happiness, prosperity, fulfillment, and freedom.

We can find easier and more enjoyable ways to do these things, no matter how complicated and demanding life gets.

In doing so, we end our fight to get fit, eat right, and be well.

And our lives just start working better—easier.

Making Monday

Blog Archive

I've heard it said that how we feel on Mondays is one of the clearest indicators of life satisfaction.

Making Monday is a short weekly message I share via email with thoughts on how to make Monday—and every day—work better.

Sign up below for delivery to your inbox every Monday to help set your mindset for the week. You'll also receive notifications of upcoming events, product releases, and free trainings.

About Delmar

My personal wellness journey has led me to licensing as a clinical massage therapist, certifying as a personal fitness trainer and life coach, and the generally obsessive study of what makes life work well.

My life's work explores how we may reclaim our innate health in this body, place, and time...

And how we can live aligned with our deepest values and purpose, doing the work (and play) in this world that we were uniquely made for.

It's a deeply fulfilling privilege to travel this path with friends...

Together, let's end the fight to be well!


951 W North Bend Road

Suite A3

Cincinnati, OH 45224


© 2023 End the Fight to Change LLC. All Rights Reserved.