Making the Essential Enjoyable & Easy

Making Monday

I've heard it said that how we feel on Mondays is one of the clearest indicators of life satisfaction. Here is a quick thought on how to make Monday—and every day—work better...


I have written before about the power of the Intentional Desire statement:

     I want ______ without ______ , in order to ______ .

Or another way to say it:

    I want more ______ and less______ , in order to ______ .

When we simply, clearly, unapologetically state what we deeply desire, creative options appear that we could not see before.

We also connect to the core life energy that inspires action, coupled with greater ease and more enjoyment.

But I want to say more about the “without” aspect of the statement.

Imagine we're on a road trip…

What we desire we see through the windshield. Our travel moves physically and energetically toward it.

What we want less of is in the rearview mirror. Although it is still in our lives, we journey away from it.

Clarifying what we are moving toward and away from is vital, but constructing the guardrails is equally important.

Because at some level of consciousness, we know there are ditches on both sides of the road.

Our more cautious and protective aspects of self will keep a foot on the brake unless we acknowledge the ditches and have a driving strategy that keeps us between the lines.

The “without” aspect of the statement is how we identify the ditches and put guardrails in place that enable acceleration.

Let's say I want to launch a lifestyle business aligned with my talents and passions.

That life of creativity, prosperity, and independence is the destination I see beyond the windshield.

In the rearview is my current livelihood which I find increasingly burdensome, exhausting, and unsatisfying.

But the danger in the right ditch for me may be taking a level of financial risk beyond my comfort level.

And perhaps in the left ditch lies burning down my health and personal relationships with the “hustle & grind” demands of an entrepreneurial start-up.

By incorporating these very valid concerns, we end up with a statement more like this:

I want to start a lifestyle business aligned with my talents and passions, but without taking inordinate financial risk or injuring my health and relationships, in order to have fulfilling, energizing work and greater financial freedom.

Ditches acknowledged. Guardrails in place. All aspects of self now onboard with thumbs-up for acceleration.

Together, let's end the fight to change—


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Suite A3

Cincinnati, OH 45224


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