Making the Essential Enjoyable & Easy

Making Monday

I've heard it said that how we feel on Mondays is one of the clearest indicators of life satisfaction. Here is a quick thought on how to make Monday—and every day—work better...

3 Antidotes to Overwhelm

Overwhelm is a common variation on stuckness, arising when energy and output grind to a halt because we don't know what to do next.

We cease the activity of enjoyable, focused productivity as our minds pinwheel like a frozen cursor, processor locked up, fan overdriving to dissipate the growing heat.

Here are some responses I DON'T find helpful when in this state…

First is most productivity tactics—prioritizing, organizing, goal setting, scheduling. I use these tools regularly and find them valuable, just not for state change when experiencing overwhelm.

Second is any form of distraction, anesthesia, or compulsion. Social media, phone games, online shopping, or doomscrolling the news come to mind. These provide momentary dopamine hits, but don't bring the clarity or energy to get going again. Worse, they tend to further drain energy and carry a hangover component.

Here are healthy responses I turn to for reliably breaking the hold of overwhelm..

1) Stillness. I don't do something called “meditation,” or any intentional internal activity. I just sit still for a while and see what happens. Typically clarity appears of its own accord, coupled with an impulse to act on it. A deep creative part seems to step forward in the stillness, providing an obvious insight about the next right thing to do.

2) Movement. This can be a structured fitness session but is not limited to that. I might take a walk or roll out my heavy bag and do some boxing or go through a Tai Chi form I enjoy. Movement provides an immediate lift in overall energy. With that energy comes a clear sense of the next right action.

3) Creation. I let my Child Artist play. Think Arts & Crafts time. I draw or doodle. I sit at my piano and put together some chords. I open my graphics program and design something simple and cool. And sure enough, good options and energy appear.

What REALLY doesn't work is going to war with myself about it.

Overwhelm happens if we're doing anything of importance that requires effort.

Best to sit, move, or play our way out of it, getting back on our merry way.

Together, let's end the fight to change—


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Suite A3

Cincinnati, OH 45224


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