Making the Essential Enjoyable & Easy

Making Monday

I've heard it said that how we feel on Mondays is one of the clearest indicators of life satisfaction. Here is a quick thought on how to make Monday—and every day—work better...


February 20, 2023

We get stuck not doing things we want to be doing.

Or we get stuck continuing to do things despite wanting to stop doing them.

Either way, we have a felt sense of being stuck in a rut, seeking movement and change but experiencing immobility and stasis.

I'd like to offer a perspective that may rattle the foundation of that experience.

In the End the Fight approach, we have a set of foundational beliefs that thwart limitation and stasis.

One of these foundational beliefs is Plasticity.

Plasticity is the quality of being shapable or moldable. (Think Play-Doh if you are of a certain generation.)

In the living world, Plasticity refers to the innate quality of all organisms to change and adapt in response to conditions and demands placed upon them.

We have the gift and grace of multiple forms of Plasticity:

Bioplasticity. ALL tissues and structures in the body.

Neuroplasticity. Structure, function, and connectivity of the brain and central nervous system.

Genoplasticity. Genes encode sequences (hardware) but have great variability in how those sequences express or manifest (software). This is technically known as Phenotypic Plasticity or Epigenetics. The idea that we are “locked in” genetically has completely collapsed. For example, our genes that determine immunity, energy, body composition, and longevity (especially) constantly alter expression in response to behaviors and even thoughts.

So here's the thing about Plasticity…

It's what we are. It's how life operates from moment to moment. It is life itself seeking life.

We are ALWAYS changing. We ARE change itself.

Stuckness is an illusion—a limiting belief that doesn't hold up to inquiry or science.

The only question is this…

Whether we choose to insert conscious agency to guide and influence the direction of the change that is naturally occurring moment to moment.

We can insert new beliefs, behaviors, and influences…

And Nature remodels us from the sub-atomic through the genetic through the structural and functional levels of organization.

As one of my wise friends said, “10% of farming is the Farmer. 90% is God.”

We've got the easy job. We just mind the 10%.

So instead of “I'm stuck,” try this belief on for size…

I am plastic at all levels of organization and remodel constantly in response to conditions and demands I create. I know or can learn effective, enjoyable, and easy ways to influence the change always occurring in my body, mind, and spirit. I am change itself.

Together, let's end the fight to change…


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Suite A3

Cincinnati, OH 45224


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