Making the Essential Enjoyable & Easy

Making Monday

I've heard it said that how we feel on Mondays is one of the clearest indicators of life satisfaction. Here is a quick thought on how to make Monday—and every day—work better...

Resource Recovery

We have resources of knowledge, skill, experience, perspective, and temperament.

We all show real genius in what we get done and how we do it, personally and professionally.

Seriously. Life is challenging. If you've found a way to get ANYTHING done, you're a genius.

But our resources sometimes get locked up. We can't access them. It's as if we unlearned them or they just disappeared.

Or more commonly, they fail to transfer from one aspect of life to another.

We may problem-solve creatively in our hobby, but not apply that creativity at work.

We may effectively schedule competing important priorities at work, but not schedule personal development and wellness activities.

We may have well-honed research skills we use to explore all manner of projects and interests, but not investigate how to make our relationships work better.

In my conversations with clients about getting unstuck, we inevitably find resources that have gone dormant or somehow failed to transfer between (apparently) different aspects of life.

Limiting deep beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world are typically the cause.

Let's look at exercise as an example.

If I think “real” exercise is only a narrow set of activities, then why would I consider applying my creativity to brainstorm all the ways I can move more to improve health?

Or if I believe “I'm not athletic,” then why would I spend time looking into ways to enact and enjoy my innate athleticism? To do so would conflict with a deep self-image.

Resource recovery comes back to belief.

Identifying and revising limiting beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world is the act of recovering and applying our genius.

Together, let's end the fight to change—


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Suite A3

Cincinnati, OH 45224


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