Making the Essential Enjoyable & Easy

Making Monday

I've heard it said that how we feel on Mondays is one of the clearest indicators of life satisfaction. Here is a quick thought on how to make Monday—and every day—work better...

The Reward Reframe (Got To to Get To)

The Reward Reframe is a mindset shift that can remove resistance to doing important things by taking them OFF the To Do List…

Consider activities that lead to greater health, prosperity, fulfillment, and freedom.

Universals on this list include daily exercise, eating less and better, adequate rest, continuous learning, meaningful social engagement, spiritual practice, and financial literacy.

And we have personal items on this list based upon individual goals, aspirations, and creative or mission-driven projects.

I suggest we take all such activities OFF the To Do List, which we reserve for things we have “got to” do…

And move them to the Reward List—things we “get to” do.

Contemporary living includes enough responsibilities and administrivia. Any life of significant meaningful commitment requires doing plenty of things that drain, rather than replenish, energy.

So we can think of items on the Get To Do List as a welcome break from the Got To Do items.

They become a reward, rather than another responsibility.

Let's take exercise as an example.

I spend my day doing challenging and fulfilling—and sometimes draining—activities centered around my coaching and online businesses.

After a day of talking, typing, and problem-solving, I GET TO take a break and raise my energy with joyful activity. Today it's Fitness Boxing class. Other days it's exhilarating Strength Training, or an easy jog outside, or mixed cardio at the gym listening to a great audio book.

This morning my body is already pinging my consciousness with “Hey, Delmar—is it time to go to boxing yet?” And I reply, “No, not yet—we've got to do more typing for a while, but we'll get to boxing soon enough.”

We can set the same frame around any activity that expands health, prosperity, fulfillment, and freedom. These energy-raising actions can be our reward for knocking out our responsibilities.

And we can reserve the Got To Do List for taxes, cleaning the garage, or shampooing the cat.

Unless you love shampooing your cat. In the rare instances where I've had to do that, I've found it to be challenging… and painful. ;-)

Together, let's end the fight to change—


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Suite A3

Cincinnati, OH 45224


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