Making the Essential Enjoyable & Easy

Making Monday

I've heard it said that how we feel on Mondays is one of the clearest indicators of life satisfaction. Here is a quick thought on how to make Monday—and every day—work better...

Sharpening Versus Cutting

Even if you've never read the book, you likely know of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits. Dr. Covey's framework for success is about as close to gospel as we've got in the personal development world.

His 7th Habit is “Sharpen the saw.”

The metaphor is of a dull saw requiring considerably more effort when cutting, then eventually becoming unusable…

As opposed to a sharpened saw cutting with greater efficiency and ease.

This habit points to the necessity of renewal practices for Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit. Being intentional about personal renewal is Covey's final key to being highly successful.

Regarding this 7th Habit, let's be clear—I'm a fan. I'm an advocate. I'm an acolyte.

But I offer an important caveat to this habit that points to a shadow side and how it can become an impediment.

The purpose of a saw is to cut.

Its purpose is not to be endlessly sharpened for the sake of sharpening.

A perfectly sharpened saw is in danger of becoming a collectible—a trophy piece gleaming on the wall—that is not performing its essential function.

Or I guess if obsessively sharpened, the blade could just be ground into dust...

Personal development is a means to an end. Not an end.

The end is to DO what we were uniquely put here to do.

We can get obsessed about personal development for the sake of itself.

I've been that guy.

But finally, that's just another place to get stuck. It's just another way of avoiding doing our most important work.

I know in my bones that every one of us is here to contribute their unique piece to the greater good of health, happiness, prosperity, fulfillment, and freedom for us all.

So when you're sharp, cut—with everything you've got.

Then sharpen enough to cut again with greater efficiency and ease.

I do all manner of personal development and renewal practices.

Heck, learning and teaching them is my day job.

But I roll out of bed in the morning, get a cup of coffee, and cut.

I cut for several hours when I am sharpest. I don't do a shred of renewal practice when my energy, focus, and inspiration are at their peak.

I do my essential work that requires my absolute best energy.

Even if your current schedule only allows you 15 minutes of cutting a day, I encourage you to do it when you are sharpest.

The results are remarkable. Important stuff gets done easier.

Together, let's end the fight to change…


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Suite A3

Cincinnati, OH 45224


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