Making the Essential Enjoyable & Easy

Making Monday

I've heard it said that how we feel on Mondays is one of the clearest indicators of life satisfaction. Here is a quick thought on how to make Monday—and every day—work better...

Drilling Down

I previously wrote about the power of the first and second parts of the Intentional Desire statement:

     I want ______ without ______ in order to (so that) ______ .

Let's now turn to the third part.

The “in order to” or “so that” phrase anchors our desire to meaning and purpose.

Even a first off-the-cuff response offers grounding. For example…

I want to get fit without having to spend hours at the gym in order to have more energy and optimism.

That's a strong bit of clarity for guiding decision making.

But we can go deeper. By taking our “in order to” phrase through successive iterations, we can anchor our initial desire into bedrock.

Next iteration: I want more energy and optimism so that I can be fully present for the people and causes I care about.

That's deeper.

Next: I want to be fully present for the people and causes I care about in order to make a difference in the lives of the people I love and to reshape the world to be better place for future generations.

Deeper yet.

Next: I want to make a difference in the lives of the people I love and to reshape the world to be better place for future generations so that my life and legacy—so that I—matter.

Legacy and significance. Solid rock.

We can then revisit our initial statement adding this anchor. In doing so, the desire statement naturally morphs into more of a declaration than a want…

Getting and staying fit is essential to ensuring my legacy.

We can also start again with the original desire statement and drill in a different direction, seeing how many deep anchors we can set.

Drilling down to the core our values and identity is how we clarify what is essential and why.

Once we do that, the doing gets much easier.

Together, let's end the fight to change—


P.S. For background, check out the previous posts on Desire and Guardrails.

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Suite A3

Cincinnati, OH 45224


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